- Monday, October 26, 2015

In an appearance in Beirut over the weekend to celebrate a Shia Muslim holy day, Hezbollah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah stated that “Israel is a tool that is being used by the West to take control of the Middle East region, that’s why the West defends it.” Hezbollah is the Iranian terrorist proxy army in Lebanon which has been locked in deadly battle with Israel for decades and is now heavily involved in the Syrian civil war and backed by Russian airpower and Iranian troops.

“The Palestinian people, and all the other nations in the region, chief among them the Lebanese, who have suffered from the Israeli occupation and massacres — they are the ones that bear the burden of the American project of domination [of the Middle East] …The US is responsible for the crimes being committed in Palestine.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that Yisrael Beytenu political party chief, Avigdor Liberman, warned Monday that comments made by Hezbollah’s Nasrallah suggest that the organization intends to set its sights on Israel as soon as it extricates itself from fighting in Syria’s civil war.

“For those who did not understand the meaning of what Nasrallah said, it was: ’We are almost finished in Syria, and we will then be free to deal with you,’ ” Mr. Liberman warned. “We need to take Nasrallah’s comments seriously. Because what he said is, ’We and the Iranians will take care of you, just let us finish our work in Syria’.”

The Hezbollah chief in Lebanon ended his comments by saying, “Anyone who thinks that we will retreat or give up — that won’t happen. We will win.”

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