- Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If Donald Trump should win the Republican primary, I would vote for him because any of the Republican candidates is a better choice than Hillary Rodham Clinton or the other Democratic candidates.

However, Mr. Trump’s remarks about President George W. Bush were inappropriate for several reasons (“Donald Trump: World Trade Center came down during George W. Bush’s ’reign’,” Web, Oct. 16). First, Jeb Bush was stating a fact: After, the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, George W. Bush kept us safe. Mr. Trump then said he had not been blaming Mr. Bush, but if not why did he say what he said? This is a typical President Obama move: Say something and then deny it was meant ’that’ way.

Under the Clinton administration there were no responses to terrorist attacks. The CIA and the FBI were forbidden to correlate their information; real-time, on-the-ground intelligence was not permitted; and President Clinton had several opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden (and prevent the 3,000 people killed on Sept. 11, 2001) but he did not.

Mr. Clinton and the Democrats delayed Mr. Bush’s important staff from being confirmed or in place. As for Iraq, most Democrats, Republicans and international intelligence agencies believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. In fact, every time Mr. Clinton had a problem he would bomb Baghdad with that as the reason.

Equally important, while Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, Mr. Obama and Vice President Biden declared a victory in Iraq, saying that because Iraq was stable and secure Mr. Obama could withdraw our military forces. Once again Mr. Obama was wrong and the result was thousands of people in the Middle East being murdered, tortured or displaced.

The Obama-Clinton foreign policies have not served us well. Mr. Trump should be careful with his offhand remarks and not resort to the Obama bailout to justify them.


Centerville, Mass.

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