- Monday, November 30, 2015

A rape epidemic is coming to America.

No, this is not the feminazi version of rape, where a woman can decide much later that a consensual sexual encounter was actually rape. No, this is the worst form of violent, nonconsensual, criminal rape.

And the future American victims of rape can thank Barack Obama for the crimes against them.

The president wants to bring in a huge number of Islamic “refugees.” That is the problem. Rape has been an Islamic tradition since the beginning of Islam. The Koran allows this. “O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war” (Koran 4:3, 4:24, 33:50).

Insanity is defined as trying the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result. Every nation that has opened its doors to Muslim “refugees” has seen a huge and stunning increase in rape.

Sweden has been perhaps the most welcoming European nation to Muslim refugees. In the last 40 years, rape has skyrocketed by almost 1,500 percent. In England, sex crimes against English girls and women are epidemic. The police and Scotland Yard have been reluctant to investigate many of the cases, lest they be accused of racism.

In Norway, 90 percent of the rapes are committed by Muslims and it has gotten so bad that now it is estimated that 10 percent of Norwegian women have been raped. In Denmark, half the rapes are committed by Muslims.

In Germany, one social worker referred to her refugee camp as the largest brothel in Germany because so many women were raped and forced into prostitution. Women’s groups and the Gewerkschaft der Polizei (the police union) have complained that crime statistics about rapes committed by Muslims have been either suppressed or at least downplayed. This is being done in order to prevent negative repercussions against the government of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

In Bavaria, German parents are being warned not to allow their children to go out unaccompanied. At a Bavarian high school, the administration sent home letters warning parents not to allow their daughters to wear “skimpy” clothing, because it might provoke the refugees to rape. Parents were told that revealing clothing or short skirts could lead to “misunderstandings.”

Rape isn’t a misunderstanding. It is a crime, even in Germany.

The so-called refugees are overwhelmingly male and of military age. They come from a culture that is still stuck in the 7th Century and believe women are nothing more than property. They believe they have the right to rape women, particularly Christian women, with impunity. They believe American laws do not apply to them because Islamic law and tradition is superior.

Mr. Obama now wants to bring tens of thousands or possibly even more to America.

What could possibly go wrong?

We are going to have a rape epidemic. It won’t be the mythical rape culture the feminazis talk about. This is going to be a very real rape crisis.

Neither Mr. Obama nor the feminists care that American women will be raped by the Muslim “refugees.”

Conservatives are the ones who really care about women. Conservatives are the ones who want to prevent these rapes by keeping the rapists out of America.

There is only one way to stop this upcoming wave of rapes. Real Americans must stand up and stop Mr. Obama and stop the importation of these “refugees.”

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