- Wednesday, November 25, 2015

In his first presidential campaign, Barack Obama assumed the role of apologist in chief for the ’wrongs’ committed by the United States.

For instance, I was stunned and offended when in his speech in Germany he apologized for the United States making the Germans ’feel bad.’ This after the actions of Hitler and the Nazis occupying countries and killing millions of people. After defeating the Nazis, the United States helped to restore order in Germany, then won the Cold War with Russia to unite East Germany and West Germany and provide them and Eastern European countries opportunities for freedom and democracy. Many of our young men and women died or were wounded in these efforts.

Obama has vigorously pursued his apologies from that day forward. He reached a new low with his recent speech in Kuala Lumpur There he had the audacity to warn the Asian leaders to avoid the “pitfalls” of America. He stressed income inequality, a political system controlled by the wealthy and political parties divided by racial lines. He added that we’ve struggled with this for more than 200 years but it is an issue that still comes up.

Diverse groups have worked diligently over many years to improve all these problems, and have yet to be able to make major, beneficial changes. Those continuing these efforts should be offended by Obama’s disrespectful remarks about our country and our citizens. I would respond to Obama’s list of grievances with one important fact: The people of the United State elected Obama, whose father was not a citizen of this country, to be our first black president. Unfortunately Obama avoids facts.


Regatta, Mass.

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