- Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Turkey has shot down a Russian fighter jet, saying the SU-24 was warned repeatedly while flying in Turkish airspace. It seems both pilots have been killed, although there are some preliminary reports that one of the pilots was captured by Syrian rebels.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the incident was a “stab in the back,” according the Russian state news agency, TASS. Turkey and NATO have warned the Russian military frequently that this scenario could happen if Russia did not stop flying into Turkish territory.

The real question is—how will Putin respond? The Russian president has been two steps ahead of the West in Syria and in the geopolitical arena in general.

Putin may see this as an opportunity, not wanting to let a good crisis go to waste.

The weakness of President Obama in confronting threats against the United States is well documented, as ISIS rolls across the Middle East and threatens the world. Putin is well aware of this fact. Putin may see this as an opportunity to drive a stake through the heart of NATO. France most likely did not call for NATO Article 5 support in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks as it may have been afraid that the United States would not support this action.

SEE ALSO: Vladimir Putin: Downing of Russian warplane over Syria a ‘stab in the back’ by terrorist accomplices

If Russia attacks Turkey, does the White House have the courage to support NATO?

Putin’s thoughts on this matter may become obvious to the world very soon.

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