- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton captured a key endorsement Tuesday, garnering support from the 2-million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU) at a crucial moment in the 2016 presidential primary.

In explaining their decision to back Mrs. Clinton — who sits atop the Democratic field 10 weeks ahead of the Iowa caucuses — SEIU officials argue that a Clinton presidency would advance the causes of economic and racial justice in America.

“Hillary Clinton has proven she will fight, deliver and win for working families,” SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry said in a statement. “SEIU members and working families across America are part of a growing movement to build a better future for their families, and Hillary Clinton will support and stand with them. This movement for economic, racial, immigrant and social justice is poised to turn out to vote in November with their families and communities and keep pushing elected officials to deliver once in office.”

The powerful labor union’s endorsement of Mrs. Clinton comes after the Democratic presidential frontrunner announced her opposition to President Obama’s massive trade deal known as the TransPacific Partnership. The deal is vehemently opposed by most labor groups.

In addition to SEIU, Mrs. Clinton also has picked up endorsements from the American Federation of Teachers, United Brotherhood of Carpenters, the National Education Association, the American Federation State, County and Municipal Employees, and other labor groups.

In her own statement, Mrs. Clinton said she’s ready and willing to stand side by side with labor unions to fight Republican attempts to roll back health-care reform and other Democratic priorities.

“SEIU has led the fight to raise incomes for hardworking Americans, including the fight for a $15 minimum wage in cities across the country. To defend the Affordable Care Act against Republican attacks and make sure more Americans have quality health insurance. To finally reform our broken immigration system and keep families together,” she said. “As president, I will be proud to stand with SEIU and fight alongside them — to defend workers’ right to organize and unions’ right to bargain collectively, to raise incomes for working people and the middle class, and to ensure that hardworking Americans can retire with dignity and security.”

• Ben Wolfgang can be reached at bwolfgang@washingtontimes.com.

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