- Saturday, November 14, 2015

Even as Islamic State terrorists carrying Syrian and Egyptian passports were moving into position last Friday morning to launch the most terrifying attack on Paris since World War II, President Obama went before the cameras on ABC’s “Good Morning America” to assure George Stephanopoulos and his audience that we’ve “contained” ISIS.

He dismissed ISIS, another name for the Islamic State group, as he has in the past as something we shouldn’t be overly concerned about. “From the start,” he assured those watching, “our goal has been to contain them, and we have contained them.”

Later that morning, the State Department announced that we are opening new screening centers in Iraq and Lebanon to facilitate the movement of the 10,000 Syrian refugees who the president has promised to take in next year and ramp up so we can admit even more.

Although no one in the Obama Administration is saying just how many the administration really plans to bring into the U.S., a State Department official told a Reuters reporter in answer to a question about the new screening centers that “we want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals.”

Meanwhile, Democrats have for the last few weeks been criticizing Republicans for standing in the way of taking even more refugees fleeing the violence in Syria. Hundreds of thousands are flooding Europe, overwhelming the nations that have opened their doors to them and creating political divisions that threaten the future of the European Union and could bring down several European governments.

Security experts worry that within the hordes coming in there may be thousands of ISIS fighters trained and prepared to spread havoc throughout Europe.

Mr. Obama’s Jayvee squad of terrorist wannabes have grown in power, viciousness and reach even as he’s pooh-pooed them. They have been neither contained nor decapitated. We celebrate the possible killing of one of their executioners while they build a terrorist quasi-state and kill hundreds of Parisians just to let the world know they can do pretty much anything they want.

Friday’s attacks in Paris may not change the way Mr. Obama sees the world, but they will alter the way citizens of this country and others look at the reality of the threat he so cavalierly dismisses. He has said more than once that as far as he’s concerned, “climate change” is far more dangerous than ISIS or ISIL, or whatever he wants to call the monster birthed in part as a result of his failed policies in the Mideast. One wonders if the people of Paris agree with that ranking.

CBS has announced that Paris changed the focus of what they will be asking of Hillary Rodham Clinton and those other folks on the stage Saturday night. Perhaps they will be prepared to acknowledge some responsibility for the policies that have ignored real enemies in favor of Mr. Obama’s fantasies. We’ll see.

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