- The Washington Times - Friday, November 13, 2015

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said Friday that he’s the person who can fundamentally shake up Washington and that people should look elsewhere if they want to just tinker around the edges.

Mr. Cruz said six months ago when he launched his presidential campaign, the New York Times declared he couldn’t win because the “Washington elites” despise him.

“I kind of thought that was the whole point of the campaign,” he said. “Look, if you think things in Washington are going great, that we need to keep headed in the same basic direction, just kind of fiddle around the edges, then I ain’t your guy.”

Mr. Cruz was one of a number of 2016 GOP presidential candidates who is speaking at the Republican Party of Florida’s “Sunshine Summit,” which is being held in Orlando Friday and Saturday.

“On the other hand, if you think Washington is fundamentally broken, that there is a bipartisan corruption of career politicians in both parties that get in bed with the lobbyists and special interests and grow and grow and grow government and we need to take power out of Washington and back to we the people - that is what this campaign is all about!” he said to applause.

Mr. Cruz also touted his campaign’s financial standing, saying he has the most cash on hand of anyone in the GOP field, based on the most recent round of fundraising reports.

He said the campaign has had more than 450,000 contributions - “people all over the country going totedcruz.org. Tedcruz.org. Tedcruz.org. It’s tedcruz.org.”

He said the average contribution was $73.

“That is the power of the grassroots,” he said.obv I can type and 

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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