- Friday, November 13, 2015

In a speech at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, Secretary of State John Kerry announced plans to subjugate U.S. national security to the religious cult of ’climate change.’ Kerry declared the State Department is creating a “task force of senior government officials to determine how best to integrate climate and security analysis into overall foreign policy planning and priorities.”

“Just as the Pentagon has begun to view our military planning through a climate lens, ultimately, we have to integrate climate considerations into every aspect of our foreign policy, from development and humanitarian aid to peacebuilding and diplomacy,” Kerry said. “And that starts with getting a better understanding of the complex links between climate change and national security.”

No matter that Russia and China are taking territory by force, Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism, will soon have a nuclear weapon to threaten the free world, North Korea is threatening war, and the Islamic State is blowing commercial aircraft out of the sky. No, the real threat is that the earth is doing what it has always done, change it’s climate. At least I think I learned in grade school that there were a few ice ages in our past.

Kerry ended the speech with a promise to further subjugate American sovereignty to other nations at the upcoming climate meeting in Paris.

“I’m not going to tell you that a global climate agreement is going to be the silver bullet that eliminates the threat posed by climate change. But the truth is we won’t eliminate it without an agreement in Paris. And the kind of agreement that we’re working toward is one that will prove that the world’s leaders finally understand the scope of the challenge that we are up against.”

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