- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Team Hillary on Tuesday launched a new “rapid response” website and its first order of business: Try to debunk a new book titled “Clinton Cash,” which details a convulated tale of money and influence through her charity organization.

The site, at briefing.hillaryclinton.com, currently has just one item posted.

“Watch Hillary for America press secretary Brian Fallon debunk the book Clinton Cash. Then, signup to receive more updates like this,” the post says.
In the video, Fallon, press secretary for Hillry For America, says: “You might’ve heard about a new book out this week called Clinton Cash. It’s written by a Republican activist turned blogger named Peter Schweizer, who’s also a former adviser to Sarah Palin and a good friend of the Koch brothers. 

“The book’s already being debunked far and wide. It’s full of sloppy research and attacks pulled out of thin air with no actual evidence — and it’s missing the most important thing of all: Facts.”

Fallon then says “let’s just take a look at some of the craziest conspiracy theories” before saying Hillary was never involved in any way with a uranium company featured prominently in the book. “There are plenty more factual errors where that came from.”

“This guy wants you to believe that President Clinton made money on a series of speeches he wasn’t personally paid for. The author even makes false claims about Hillary’s record in the Senate. I guess he’s hoping that nobody has heard of senate.gov, the Library of Congress, Project Vote Smart — or Google.”
The 2:37 video then shows ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, a former press secretary for Bill Clinton, saying “We’ve done investigative work here at ABC News, found no proof of any kind of direct action. There’s no smoking gun.”
Fallon then cncludes: “The bottom line is this: As Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton made decisions based on her commitment to protecting America’s national security. … So while Republicans are latching on to the most far-fetched theories in an attempt to cut Hillary Clinton down, she’s going to stay focused on everday Americans.”

Team Hillary is putting a lot of effort into debunking the book. The launch of “The Briefing” site came at the same time her campaign is using multiple social media platforms to slam Clinton Cash. 

In addition, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta posted to another site a rebuttal to the book, saying Republicans “seem to only want to distort Hillary Clinton’s record.” And the group Correct the Record, another pro-Hillary organization, put out a 42-page report seeking to shoot down all claims in the book.


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