- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A private intelligence firm has distributed an “officer awareness bulletin” designed to help police identify in a protest crowd the members of groups more prone to commit violence against cops.

The bulletin was issued April 30 by the Symbol Intelligence Group, which specializes in analyzing the dress, tattoos, symbols, codes and graffiti of potentially dangerous groups that show up at anti-police demonstrations — an increasing phenomenon in America.

Dawn Perlmutter, the group’s director, said the alert was sent to about 700 law enforcement and military subscribers, pro bono, but not to the public. She said its purpose is to aid officers on the front lines whose departments, because of political correctness, shy away from such unvarnished analysis.

“We’re trying to get things out that, because of political correctness, are not allowed to go out,” said Ms. Perlmutter, a 20-year consultant to police agencies and a specialist on ritualistic killings. Her staff includes specialists in other criminology fields.

“We really do try to keep it objective,” she said. “In this particular bulletin, what would be more problematic is the actual inclusion of certain groups as opposed to the information. We at least want officers to know who they’re dealing with if they happen to see a patch, if they happen to see a certain symbol, so they will at least know who the group is. A lot of times, they may not know who it is. Our goal is to get information to officers on the front line. Every group in that particular bulletin has had incidents with the police.”

The bulletin contains color graphics and photos to aid officers.

“The information in this bulletin is provided to assist law enforcement in addressing potential event safety and security threats,” states the bulletin, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times. “In the instance that any of these symbols are observed in conjunction with suspicious activity law enforcement should follow established protocols.”

The group issued the alert amid the unrest in Baltimore after mortal injuries to Freddie Gray while in police custody. The city’s state’s attorney filed charges against six police officers.

Three New York officers have been gunned down amid anti-police sentiment.

Officer Brian Moore died from a gunshot wound to the head, the city announced Monday. A convicted felon, Demetrius Blackwell, is charged with first-degree murder. Officer Moore and another officer stopped Mr. Blackwell after seeing him adjust something in his waistband.

In the aftermath of riots in Ferguson, Missouri, over the police killing of Michael Brown and protesters openly urging the killings of cops, two New York officers were assassinated in December as they sat in their patrol car. The assailant, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, fled to a nearby subway station, where he committed suicide.

“Anti-police demonstrations are increasing in frequency and violence,” the Symbol Intelligence alert says. “Symbols, signs, clothing, masks, slogans and other identifiers reflect the ideologies of various groups and movements. This bulletin provides examples of symbols, tactics and other identifiers that often appear at anti-police protests.”

Among the groups listed, and profiled, by Symbol Intelligence Group:

• Occupy Wall Street and associated Anonymous. “A hactvist group that supports many protests by organizing operations through social media. Anonymous is active in Occupy Wall Street and supported protests via OpFerguson and OpBaltmore. Police departments have been targeted with cyberattacks from hackers affiliated with Anonymous.”

The group said officers should be on the lookout for the “Guy Fawkes Mask,” which “has come to represent anarchists in general and has been visible in anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world.”

• Black Bloc Tactic or Black Block. “BB is an anarchist protest tactic where individuals wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, gas masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items to conceal their identities, make it difficult to distinguish between participants and protect their faces and eyes from pepper-spray.”

The bulletin contains a photo of a BB protester carrying a sign: “All My Heroes Kill Cops.”

“Black Bloc anarchists have been active in Occupy Movement protests in Oakland and other cities and have been referred to as the militant arm of the Occupy Movement. They actively seek physical confrontations with police and destroy property.”

• A.C.A.B or “All Cops Are Bastards.” The label is used by skinheads, anarchists and soccer hooligans.

• New Black Panther Party. NBPP is a black nationalist group that was active in the Baltimore and Ferguson protests. Members of the organization have preached messages of violence against law enforcement, whites and Jews.

New Black Panther members, Orlando Baldwin, 22, and Olajuwon Ali Davis, 22, were indicted this month on charges of buying pipe bombs from an undercover officer. Press reports said they plotted to bomb the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and to kill the Ferguson police chief during protests there. They were arrested in November.

Ms. Perlmutter said there is a lack of training inside police departments to recognize these groups and others as potential threats.

“We are trying to get the information to the officers on the front line, on the streets, so they do have an idea of who they are dealing with,” she said. “We are not trying to stigmatize any movements or any group. But they need to know if they see a certain patch that that person is more of a potential threat than someone else.”

• Rowan Scarborough can be reached at rscarborough@washingtontimes.com.

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