- The Washington Times - Monday, May 4, 2015

The season of questions for Hillary Clinton appears to be reaching full flower.

“Clinton’s lack of candor, and repeated attempts to distract or hide truths from the American people have raised questions that deserve answers. At some point, Mrs. Clinton will have to answer questions about how and why she and her husband appear to have rigged the system to their political and financial benefit,” says American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp.

“Whether it’s a Russian uranium dealer trying to do business with Mrs. Clinton’s state department, or her broken promises to the Obama administration regarding foreign donors to her charitable foundation, her actions continue to produce more questions than answers,” Mr. Schlapp continues. “As such, we have come up with five important questions that we think the American people deserve to have answered.”

And here they are, verbatim:

“Does Mrs. Clinton feel she is bound by the agreement signed by Bruce Lindsey on her and her husband’s behalf and the White House? Was she aware of the details of the agreement?

Besides Mr. Giustra, did anybody or any organization that provided funding to Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative have any business before the administration or any federal agency from 2009-2013? Are there any other entities that have been established?

Will Mrs. Clinton disclose the identity of any person who stood to benefit from Administration or State Department actions who has also given financial support to Clinton Global Initiative?

Did Secretary Clinton know when signing the agreement that she would not be disclosing all donors because of Canadian law? If so, did she communicate this to the White House and/or the Senate Foreign Relations Committee?

In total, how many foreign governments and individuals are financial donors to the Clinton Foundation and its entities?”

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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