- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Carly Fiorina showed up Wednesday outside the Hilton hotel in Columbia, SC — where Hillary Clinton is also set to appear today — and did the unthinkable: She took questions from the press.

The candidate said she had planned the stop months ago, implying that Hillary was actually shoulder-hopping.

Fiorina’s campaign is having a lot of fun at Hillary Clinton’s expense.

The Republican presidential candidate’s deputy campaign manager, Sarah Isgur Flores, sent out a email to the “traveling press corps” noting that both Fiorina and Clinton will be campaigning in South Carolina on Wednesday.

“We know it must be hard covering  the Hillary for America But Against Transparency campaign. And if the last few weeks have shown us anything, it’s that the Clinton Way isn’t about change, small businesses, the middle class, reshuffling the deck, or, certainly, trust in leadership. It’s all about the Clintons.”

Zing! The barb comes amid a torrent of headlines over the Clintons cashing in by making millions giving speeches, using shell corporations to mask cash and trading favors for … wait for it — cash. 

The Fiorina campaign also mocked Clinton’s proclivity to dodge the press (which got so bad the Washington Post actually ran a graphic showing a ticking clock since her last press question — which stretched to nearly 30 days). 

“Leading by example, Carly will host a media availability outside the Columbia Marriott at 12:00 pm on Wednesday. She will also be speaking to the South Carolina Republican Legislative Caucus at 12:30 pm at the Hilton Columbia Center a few blocks away. (We hear Mrs. Clinton is speaking to the Democrat Caucus at the same time, but they aren’t letting you anywhere near their event. No surprise there!)”

Snap! But the Fiorina campaign?

“Our events tomorrow are all  open to the press. And by open press, we mean we’ll actually take questions. That’s right. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from reporters because we believe the American people will not and should not elect a president that can’t answer for her record, won’t explain her positions or for whom the truth is whatever she can get away with.”

And Flores got one more zinger in on Clinton, who famously said she didn’t have a State Department email address because she didn’t want to have multiple devices needed to check her email (hence her need for a secret server kept in her house).

“Oh, and Carly has 3 email addresses on her phone. Amazing how technology works!”


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