- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 14, 2015

Without or without her Scooby Doo van — and definitely without a stop at Chipotle — Hillary Clinton is heading back to Iowa, where she may or may not take questions from the media, or even the “ordinary Americans” she “represents.”

The multi-millionaire is taking a break from collecting millions from foreign governments for her “charity” to hob-nob with the hoi polloi. Her spokesman said she’ll hit the Ethonol State Monday and Tuesday for a “series of small events,” the AP reports, adding “Clinton wants to have one-on-one time to talk with Iowans.”

On her last trip, where she went incognito in the fast-food restaurant wearing dark sunglasses, she went to smaller town and held tiny events with just a few dozen hand-picked people — many of whom turned out to have been bused in and were Clinton supporters. She hit a community college and a produce company in Norwalk.

In the days after she entered the race, she stopped at four Iowa coffee shops and held court with pre-invited activists. Of course, she held some top-dollare fundraisers as well, away from the prying eyes of the media.

When she left, she wrote a thank-you note to Iowans in The Des Moines Register. “I’ll be back soon. Thanks for having me, Iowa,” she said. 

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