- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 12, 2015

They’re mighty friendly in New Hampshire, but one Rand Paul aide got just a bit too friendly — with a foe, at that.

In the modern world of politics, parties and their surrogates dispatch “trackers” to rallies held by opponents to gather video, and sometimes shout unruly questions. The practice sometimes leads to odd occurrences (remember George Allen’s “macaca” moment?).

The latest confrontation occurred at a New Hampshire town hall meeting on Monday. In a short video, posted here, an aide to the Kentucky senator got in a spat with a Democratic operative, and ended up licking his camera lens.

“Just when you thought Rand Paul’s campaign couldn’t get any stranger, his senior staffer in New Hampshire decided to taste our tracker’s camera lens today,” Preston Maddock, a spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal group that sent the tracker, told Time.

“It was truly bizarre, creepy and unprofessional.”

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