- Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new oxymoron for the English language. It goes right next to “honest Democrat” or “patriotic liberal.” The new oxymoron is Republican leadership.

This week, while a leader who loves America more than Barack Obama delivered a stirring speech to America, the Republican leadership sold out America. As the nation was distracted by Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, John Boehner once again stabbed conservatives in the back.

Mr. Boehner’s betrayal is no great shock. After all, this is a man who has changed the emblem of the Republican Party from the elephant to the freshly laundered white flag of surrender. This is a man who will only fight a conservative Republican who dares to disagree with him.

This week, Mr. Boehner, instead of fighting, passed a so-called “clean” appropriation bill for the Department of Homeland Security. This means that Mr. Obama’s executive amnesty program is fully funded. The outcome is not surprising since this was Mr. Boehner’s goal all along.

Mr. Boehner wants amnesty. His only real problem is that Mr. Obama did it by executive action instead of an amnesty bill being passed by Congress. But the outcome is still the same. Amnesty is the Republican Extinction Bill. Amnesty will flood the nation will tens of millions of new immigrants, and most of them will end up on welfare. The costs will bankrupt America. And, surveys have shown these immigrants, if allowed to vote, favor Democrats by a margin of 8-1.

Amnesty will destroy America’s economy and provide a permanent Democrat majority. Both of these are top goals for Mr. Obama.

But the betrayal on this issue goes much further than Mr. Boehner. It is a betrayal of the conservative base by the Republican Party.

Almost every Democrat voted for the Republican Extinction Bill. Only 75 Republicans voted for it, and 167 Republicans voted against the bill. Some, like Virginia’s Dave Brat, Tennessee’s Marsha Blackburn and Scott Desjarlais, Texas’ Louis Gohmert, Kansas’ Tim Hueslkamp and Oklahoma’s Jim Bridenstine voted on the basis of principle. Most of the others voted no because Mr. Boehner had the Democrats voting for the bill and they could vote no, not change the outcome and still tell their voters they voted against amnesty.

The vast majority of Republicans simply supported the concept of amnesty but are too afraid their voters will vote them out of office if they directly support amnesty.

How do we know this is true?

One-hundred-sixty-seven represents far more than enough votes needed to remove Mr. Boehner as House Speaker. Yet Mr. Boehner that will not happen.

There will not even be an attempt to remove him.

The great coalition that Ronald Reagan put together in the 1980s is dead. Today, America has two parties. One is a far-left party that hates America and wants to fundamentally transform America into a political system that has failed repeatedly every time it has been tried. The other is the party of stupid. The Republican Party now only listens to the Chamber of Commerce lobbyists and the country club set.

Blue collar, conservative, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, Tea Party Republicans are no longer welcome in the party.

Don’t be shocked that by 2020, the Whig Party gets more votes than the Republican Party.

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