- Monday, March 2, 2015

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come to Washington for his long anticipated speech to the House of Representatives on Tuesday. Just days before Mr. Netanyahu’s arrival, an Israeli paper reported that President Obama had threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they struck at Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The Obama regime denied they threatened Israel. This is the same regime that told Americans they could keep their doctors and health insurance if they liked it. This is the same regime that told America the Benghazi attack was a response to some obscure YouTube video. Lies are the stock and trade of Mr. Obama. According to David Axelrod, his former chief campaign advisor, Mr. Obama lied about being a Christian and his position on homosexual marriage so he could get elected.

South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson nailed it when he shouted out in an Obama speech to Congress, “You lie!”

Mr. Netanyahu is everything Mr. Obama is not. He is a leader. He was a Special Forces soldier for Israel who served in combat and was wounded twice. When Mr. Netanyahu was a young man, he was bleeding for the freedom of his country. When Mr. Obama was a young man, he was out getting high and being a part of the “choom gang.”

Thanks to Mr. Obama, America’s relations with Israel are at an all-time low. Israel should not feel special. Mr. Obama has done that with all of America’s allies.

Mr. Netanyahu’s purpose here in America is to remind real Americans of the danger posed by Iran. Perhaps by extension, the threat posed by Mr. Obama to the world.

A nuclear Iran is a danger to everyone. In the days of the Cold War, America and the Soviet Union had thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other. The Soviets may have wanted to take over the world but they were sane. They knew a nuclear war would have no winners therefore they never started one.

Not so with Iran.

The Iranian leaders believe a nuclear Armageddon will lead to the Islamic version of the second coming. Iran has repeatedly threatened to destroy both Israel and the United States. Yet Mr. Obama treats Iran like America’s greatest ally and Israel like a pariah.

Perhaps one day someone will explain why Mr. Obama goes to such lengths to protect Iran. At this point, the goal of his administration seems to be to run the clock out and let Iran go nuclear. Both Democrats and Republicans think this is a very bad idea. When a bipartisan Iran sanctions bill was making its way through Congress, Obama announced a veto threat. When it appeared that was not enough, he began twisting the arms of Democrats in Congress to kill the bill.

Mr. Obama cheerleads for Iran. He all but begs them to come to the negotiating table. He has given Iran billions of dollars being held in this nation. According to sources, Mr. Obama has given Iran about eighty percent of what they want.

Mr. Netanyahu comes to Washington. His message is a powerful reminder there is a fight between good and evil in this world. He also reminds America that Mr. Obama is not only cheering for the enemy, but working for their victory.

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