- Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Israel’s prime minister scored an unexpected and stunning re-election victory on Tuesday. It is all the sweeter for the direct repudiation it represents of President Obama by the Israeli electorate.

After all, Mr. Obama had done everything imaginable to undermine Bibi Netanyahu. That involved not only publicly, repeatedly humiliating and castigating him. It also entailed sending – apparently at U.S. taxpayer expense – his own campaign operatives to help the leftist opposition.

In the end, Mr. Obama’s imperiousness backfired. Faced with dire threats from Iran, the Islamic State, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc., Israelis gave a renewed mandate to a leader opposing further concessions to his country’s enemies.

They also rejected pressure and threats coming from President Obama, a man who insists on making more and more concessions to Israel’s foes, and ours.

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