- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, continues to capitulate to President Obama and Sen. Harry Reid because he doesn’t want to chance Republicans being held responsible for any government shutdown. He has done this for the budget and declared he will do it again for raising the debt ceiling. Mr. McConnell neglects to recall, apparently, the November 2014 election results that put Republicans in charge of the House and the Senate.

The votes for Republican control were against Mr. Obama’s excessive spending, Obamacare, unconstitutional illegal-immigrant executive orders and failure of Mr. Obama’s foreign policies. If the people wanted Mr. Obama and the Democrats to continue to lead they would have voted to have them keep in power. With the new request to raise the debt ceiling, Republicans can agree but in return have an enforceable commitment for spending cuts, including the money that would be used to support Mr. Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders. The people do not want to continue the tax-and-spend mentality, uncontrolled government waste or lack of accountability and transparency that are the fundamentals of Mr. Obama’s policies.

Mr. McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner and all Republicans should unite to keep their pledge to the voters: a government that works for the citizens. Reducing the debt will benefit our children and future generations.


Centerville, Mass.

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