- Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The 2014 midterm election is now historic not for the margin of victory, but for the magnitude of GOP betrayal. The newly elected and empowered GOP-controlled House and Senate hold nearly as much contempt for the Constitution as they seem to hold for their voters, embracing ignominy more quickly than their broken campaign promises.

In an electoral first, the losing Democratic agenda of Obamacare and the unconstitutional amnesty soundly rejected by the electorate found victorious Republicans disgracefully enacting it. We did not vote for Democrats Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, nor did we vote for President Obama’s “shadow government” of unelected regulatory agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Communications Commission and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives usurping congressional authority to kill affordable energy, seize the Internet and ban popular ammunition, respectively.

The “pen and the phone” are now mightier than the sword and the ballot box. “We, the People” are the Constitution, and as Republicans abdicate their constitutionally enumerated legislative powers and capitulate to the executive branch by funding the illegality, we condemn these tyrannical constitutional illiterates who shame the brilliant document they swore to uphold.

While a distracted public awaits congressional subpoenas to search disgraced former Clinton National Security Agency/National Archive thief Sandy Berger’s socks and underwear for the missing Hillary Clinton emails, “We, the People” find that the aisle was not the only thing crossed by House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the rest of the mainstream GOP post-election.

So as they pat themselves on their bipartisan backs and we pull the knives out of ours, I wonder what allows them to walk upright, for it is surely not a spine.


Cowansville, Pa.

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