- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 4, 2015

Warning, Julian Castro: You may be a favorite for the veep slot — you may even be the favorite — but the Team Hillary wants you to back the heck off.

The young, dynamic Castro, currently the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is busy behind the scenes making the case that he would be a great vice presidential nominee.

But Castro, a Hispanic from Texas, which Democrats are targeting in 2016, might be coming on a bit too strong.

“Several Democrats warned [that] Castro’s backers run the risk of overplaying their strong hand,” Politico wrote in a rather lengthy takeout on Castro. 

” ’If I were Julian Castro I’d be worried,’ said one Clinton ally with an eye on Democrats’ efforts to woo Hispanic voters. ’Others who are in his corner need to dial down those effusive musings.’ “

Some Democrats suggested the 40-year-old Castro might be too young and a better choice four years from now. 

” ’Yes, he’s a rising star, and people even talk about him being the first Latino president,’ ” an anonymous “Democratic strategist allied with Clinton” said.
That strategist also noted that Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, had more experience when Sen. John McCain picked her as his veep in 2008. 

Meanwhile, Castro is downplaying his coronation, saying on CNN, “If I had a dime for every amount of speculation that happens in D.C., you know, I think all of us would be wealthy.”

But as I wrote last month: “Top members of Team Hillary are already pushing Julian Castro as her vice presidential nominee, with one source telling me last week that right now, there isn’t even a second choice.

“There’s only one person the top guys are looking at right now, and that’s Julian,” said the source, who is close to top Clinton officials. “They know the Republicans are making a big push this cycle for the Hispanic vote, so that makes Castro an easy pick — and an obvious pick.”

So don’t expect to see Castro back off any time soon. He’s the only one out there.

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