- Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The bad news is that Secretary of State John Kerry broke his leg in a bike accident (“John Kerry breaks leg in bike crash, ends overseas trip early,” Web, May 31). The good news is that for the time being it may stop him from offering further concessions to the tentative, one-sided nuclear agreement with Iran. So far there has only been a give to Iran with no reciprocity on the part of the leaders of that nation.

In addition, the temporary hiatus will save the taxpayers hundreds, if not millions, of dollars as Mr. Kerry no longer is airborne. Activity by the secretary of state has not been rewarding, his travels having become a farce as he seems to have visited every country, no matter how remote, for at least one day with no or little planned agenda. Our foreign policy disarray can be blamed not only on Mr. Kerry, but also ultimately on President Obama.


Silver Spring

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