- Saturday, June 27, 2015

On Friday June 26th, in a stunning display of judicial insanity, the Supreme Court suddenly figured out there was a constitutional right to homosexual marriage. Amazingly enough, almost 228 years after the Constitution was written by and voted on by men far greater than the five characters in little black dresses discovered something that Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton missed.

Justice Antonin Scalia was in rare form when he thundered, “A system of government that makes the People subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy.”

This nation may not deserve to be called a democracy but thanks to the Supreme Court ruling, it soon will not deserve to be called a free nation either.

Supporters of homosexual marriage were exuberant. They took to social media to celebrate. There was a common refrain in their celebrations. “This is only the beginning.”

Only the beginning? Wasn’t homosexual marriage the goal?

Actually it wasn’t.

The homosexual movement fits in well with the far-left wing of politics because no matter what it gets, it isn’t enough. After the June 17th Charleston mass murder, the hard left went after the Confederate flag. Most conservatives decided not to fight that issue, so then it went to a complete elimination of any historical reference to the Confederacy.

If this is only the beginning for the homosexual movement, what is their ultimate goal? It is to make those who disagree support homosexual marriage whether they want to or not. The next round of litigation is going to be against churches and clergy who will not perform homosexual marriages.

When the homosexual marriage case, known as Obergefell v. Hodges, was argued to the Supreme Court, Justice Samuel Alito posed a question of Solicitor General Donald Verrilli. He asked if religious institutions could be at risk of losing their tax-exempt status if the court ruled in favor of homosexual marriage. Mr. Verrilli dodged the question by simply saying, “It’s certainly going to be an issue.”

It will be the next issue. The left is going to go after churches, priests and pastors.

Libertarians have long said it is time to get the state out of the marriage business. They are right about this. After Obergefell v. Hodges, it is the only way to protect the religious liberty of real Americans against the tyranny of a tiny minority.

The only solution for conservatives is to start pushing for repeal of marriage laws in the states. This year, a statute was proposed in Alabama. The statute would have removed any state licensing of marriage. Instead, if people wanted to form some kind of a union, they simply filed paperwork at the local courthouse. Marriages would be governed by what is essentially partnership and contract law.

A version of this law passed the Alabama state senate this year but died in the House. For red states, this is an idea whose time has come. If the state is no longer involved in the licensing of marriage, then churches, priests and pastors cannot be forced to become involved in someone else’s contract.

People who are members of a church can still have a religious ceremony and file the paperwork just like anyone else.

Conservatives must act to protect the churches. The homosexual activists said it today. Their Supreme Court victory was not enough. Their goal is to break anyone who dares to disagree with their orthodoxy.

Today in America, liberty hangs by a thread. It is hard to believe liberty could be so damaged by five people in little black dresses. Conservatives had better go on the offensive or watch these same fools rule that homosexual marriage trumps the First Amendment’s protections for the free exercise of religion.

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