- Friday, June 26, 2015

It’s Moscow’s worst nightmare, a color revolution, along the lines of what happened in Georgia, Ukraine, or Kyrgyzstan, happening in other former Soviet territories. The Kremlin worries it may be starting in Yerevan, Armenia.

Protesters have taken to the streets of the Armenian capital for a week now, making their displeasure known regarding a planned, 16 percent increase in electricity rates to the power provider, CJSC “Electric Networks of Armenia” distribution company, a subsidiary of RAO UES INTERNATIONAL, the Russian state-controlled power group.

The head of Russia’s State Duma committee on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) affairs, Leonid Slutsky, said Thursday, “Taking advantage of the social sphere problems, which seem to be not that big, the leaders of the opposition parties have brought demonstrators to the streets. Unfortunately, foreign instructing is clearly observed here. Since the very beginning, there has been a political color here.

The protests were aimed at the change of the ruling regime that has in particular supported Russia and joined the Eurasian project, he said, adding that the current authorities have enough power and influence in the Armenian society in order not to allow the development of the situation in a Maidan way.

Several days ago, local police used water cannons and batons in an attempt to break up the rally. Journalists documenting the demonstration were also attacked.

“It’s no use deluding yourself, all ’color revolutions’ developed along these lines,” said Konstantin Kosachev, head of the International Committee in Russia’s upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, reported RIA Novosti news agency.

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told Russian journalists Tuesday that the Kremlin was tracking the events in Yerevan closely.

“There is a desire to avenge Russia for the Donbass,” said Vladimir Yevseyev, the head of the Caucasus department of the Institute of Post-Soviet States in Moscow.

Obviously, Yerevan has gotten Moscow’s attention.

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