- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 23, 2015

After spending the weekend playing golf in California, President Obama returned to the White House to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Ramadan and lamenting the “distorted impression” of Muslims.

The president remarked on the murders of nine people in a black church in South Carolina. “As Americans, we insist that nobody should be targeted because of who they are, or what they look like, who they love, how they worship.  We stand united against these hateful acts.”

He did not note that they were murdered in a Christian church.

He did recognize “the sacredness of Ramadan to more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the world. It’s a time when Muslims recommit themselves to their faith, following days of discipline with nights of gratitude for the gifts that God bestows.”

But he said Muslims get a bad rap. “Here in America, many people personally don’t know someone who is Muslim.  They mostly hear about Muslims in the news — and that can obviously lead to a very distorted impression.”

He recounted a story: “We saw this play out recently at a mosque in Arizona.  A group of protesters gathered outside with offensive signs against Islam and Muslims.  And then the mosque’s leaders invited them inside to share in the evening prayer.  One demonstrator, who accepted the invitation later, described how the experience changed him; how he finally saw the Muslim American community for what it is — peaceful and welcoming.

“That’s what can happen when we stop yelling and start listening.  That’s why it’s so important always to lift up the stories and voices of proud Americans who are contributing to our country every day.  And we have a lot of inspiring Americans here today.”

Meanwhile, Islamic militants crucified a child in Syria for failing to abide by the rules of Ramadan, and other ISIS fighters locked several men in a cage and lowered them into a pool, drowning them.

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