- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A MoveOn.org-run organization to encourage Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to run for the Democratic presidential nomination has finally decided to throw in the towel.

Warren had said repeatedly that she will not run for president, but mainstream media keeps writing stories about how she STILL MIGHT jump into the race. The website, at runwarrenrun.org, features several topic headers, such as “Why Elizabeth Warren?” and “Our Plan to Win.”

“A victorious campaign for president rests on three pillars: a winning message, a serious, well-funded campaign apparatus, and—most importantly—an unstoppable movement. Our strategy is to demonstrate that an Elizabeth Warren candidacy would have all three.”

While the group collected nearly 400,000 signatures for a petition urging her to run, the group is disbanding, according to Ilya Sheyman , executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, and Charles Chamberlain, executive director of Democracy for America, who co-wrote an article published in Politico. 

“Today we announce the suspension of our campaign to draft Elizabeth Warren into the presidential race. There’s no sugar-coating it: We didn’t achieve our central goal. But there’s a bigger story that gives us tremendous hope: as one headline put it, “Elizabeth Warren may not be running, but she’s in the 2016 race anyway,” they wrote.

In the conclusion of the piece, they write: “The rise of Elizabeth Warren, the effort to draft her for president, and the surging progressive spirit of the 2016 Democratic field and electorate—these are all important by themselves, but ultimately, they’re all tremors presaging a much deeper tectonic shift in American politics. Just as the progressive movement and New Deal set the stage for the rise of the great American middle class a century ago, we’re due for a profound political reckoning that restores our founders’ dream of government by and for the people. No one candidate can deliver that. It’s up to all of us.”

One wonders whether the group will now throw its weight behind Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is, after all, the true Socialist in the race.

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