- Monday, June 15, 2015

Conservative voters and Republican strategists are grossly overlooking the vital importance of the vice presidential pick in terms of winning the next U.S. presidential election. We all know that presidential candidates are now more of an entertainment, inducement, and campaign-speaking-skill popularity contest, yet they may come with a powerful, strong, and experienced VP sharing the helm.

George W. Bush keenly made one of the greatest VP choices in history with Dick Cheney. Ronald Reagan won the White House in part by choosing former CIA director George H.W. Bush as his partner. Interestingly, both of these VP picks led to GOP re-elections. Sadly, the Dan Quayle pick made way for Bill Clinton to oust George H.W. Bush easily after only one term, ultimately creating the liberal Hillary Clinton machine we now have to face today.

But it was John McCain and his strategists who made the worst VP choice in history, arguably derailing the Republican Party disastrously, and making way for the eight-year Obama administration nightmare. Shockingly, Mitt Romney then fell into the same trap, coerced into choosing the stellar yet largely inexperienced and hardly known Paul Ryan as his VP.

Conversely, the Democrats won the White House by choosing the “Dick Cheney” of their Party, the vastly experienced and intelligence community-connected Joe Biden. Had Mr. McCain chosen Mr. Romney, or had Mr. Romney chosen Newt Gingrich, the Obama administration may have never happened to our beloved country.

Going forward, who will the Republicans choose as the 2016 VP? Who among us is the next Dick Cheney or George Herbert Walker Bush? Condoleezza Rice? Mitt Romney? Adm. William McRaven?

If conservatives and their strategists can avoid making another foolish Sarah Palin or inexperienced Paul Ryan VP pick as their fall-2016 surprise tactic, Hillary and Bill Clinton — and their strategic VP pick — will be more able to be defeated.

Make no mistake, America is finished if we get the 2016 vice presidential pick wrong, again.


Charleston, S.C.

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