- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Martin O’Malley, who is barely a blip on the poll a month after he entered the race for the Democratic presidential primary, has decided the role America should play in the world.

“America’s role in the world is to advance the cause of a global middle class,” he wrote Wednesday in an op-ed on the Time website.

Yes, with ISIS threatening the entire Middle East, Greece imploding, Russia invading Ukraine, the China stock market crashing, O’Malley thinks the chief task for the United States in foreign policy is to “advance the cause of a global middle class.”

O’Malley thinks the U.S. has been wasting its time for “more than 12 years on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan,” but thinks that current affairs “demand that we be more engaged in the world, not less.”

“My vision for U.S. foreign policy focuses on the rise of a global middle class, which is a moral, economic, and national-security imperative. Eliminating the scourge of extreme poverty is a reflection of our most deeply held values.

Supporting economic development will help us build the next generation of American political and economic partnerships. And protecting the dignity of human lives in fragile states will reduce the threat of being drawn into costly future conflicts.”

Another key to keep Americans safe, for O’Malley: “Comprehensive immigration reform.” Another national security threat: Climate change.

Then, this pearl: “Twitter and Facebook are no substitute for personal relationships and human intelligence.”

Americans who have suffered through six years of the dismal Obamaconomy likely won’t look to kindly on O’Malley’s plan to strengthen to middle class — everywhere else but America.


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