- Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sheriffs in Missouri and Florida kick-started a movement this week, simple in its approach and messaging. They put a “In God We Trust” bumper sticker on their patrol cars.

According to the news story posted here at The Washington Times:

“I am proud to announce that all of the Stone County Sheriff’s Office Patrol vehicles now have ’In God We Trust’ on the back,” the Stone County [Missouri] Sheriff’s Office posted on Facebook. “This became our National Motto in 1956 and is on all of our currency. There has been no better time than now to proudly display our National Motto!”

I don’t know if these officers were aware of it or not, but this week — TODAY — marks the anniversary of former President Eisenhower signing into law that these words are our national motto.

It has become something fashionable as of late to insist, nearly as dogma, that Eisenhower expressions of piety were “civil religion” at best, or worse, marketing ploys by the industrial-military complex.

I’ll let the historians debate all that.

In the meantime, viva la “In God We Trust” (and let’s actually do it … the “trust” part).

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