- Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It’s been a tough year for the conservative community in America. We’ve seen a dismaying Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, liberalization of marijuana laws and more. Yet in the past two weeks we have learned of an issue so revolting that it makes one nauseated: An anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), published a secretly taped video of a telling discussion with Deborah Nucatola, director of medical services for Planned Parenthood. In the video, Nucatola candidly discloses how the premier abortion organization sells aborted body parts “Covert video targets Planned Parenthood fetal-parts policy,” Web, July 14).

The CMP used two actors posing as buyers for bio-medical firms shopping for aborted fetus body parts. Nucatela talked freely about “selling lots of hearts and livers … running for $30 to $100 … ” She talks also about how to alter the abortion technique to avoid damaging the baby’s head, which can be sold as well. When this information and video was published, the Planned Parenthood crowd tried to cover for the organization, saying that the only monies exchanged in these situations is “reimbursement for expenses” and that the tissue is used for medical research only. In the past five years, Planned Parenthood received more than $8 million in federal monies for low-income abortions.

On July 21 the other shoe dropped. CMP secretly recorded yet another Planned Parenthood executive, a doctor, meeting with alleged buyers and actually haggling on price of body parts. In the recording, the doctor makes a damning statement: “I want a Lamborghini.” So much for “expenses.”

Surely we all are aware of the classic argument by the pro-abortion contingent used to justify late-term abortion: Fetal tissue is not viable. The question, then, is obvious: Then why is Planned Parenthood selling it?

A high-ranking attorney representative of a major media outlet recently stated that he was so overcome by reading this story that he “was unable to speak for an hour.” Have we lost our conscience as a nation or, for that matter, as the human race? In your prayer time, please remember the families of the aborted babies — and most of all, the thousands of abortion staffers who participate in such vile practices.


Talladega, Ala.

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