- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A close study from the Media Research Center has examined broadcast coverage of an undercover video revealing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of Medical Services referring to the practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies. The chilling account went public Tuesday but warranted little attention from the “Big Three” networks in the aftermath. ABC and CBS completely ignored the story while NBC gave it just 39 seconds, omitting “damning quotes,” according to the analysis.

“How is it not news that senior executive at Planned Parenthood, an organization that receives millions of taxpayer dollars each year, seems to be violating the law and selling aborted babies’ body parts apparently obtained through illegal partial-birth abortions? This practice is as ghoulish as anything Josef Mengele ever did. And this isn’t news?” asks Dan Gainor, vice president for culture at the conservative media watchdog.

“ABC and CBS are so outlandishly pro-abortion they passed on the news that a taxpayer-funded entity appears to have been breaking the law and trafficking human body parts. As with the Gosnell nightmare, journalists have refused to cover this story because it upsets the narrative they actively push which is that Planned Parenthood cares about women’s health,” Mr. Gainor adds.

Democrats have not had much to say about the situation either. Live Action News, a pro-life news site, describes the party as “deafeningly silent.” Some Republican lawmakers have called for an investigation of the grisly revelations revealed by the video; 11 of the GOP presidential hopefuls have already issued statements condemning the findings.

“This latest expose of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby parts for profit should be the final nail in the coffin for the abortion giant. Congress must take immediate action to stop all taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and end the bankrolling of this horrific human rights abuser,” says Lila Rose, president of Live Action - a youth-led organization supporting “a culture of life and advancing human rights,” and the parent group for the aforementioned news site.

The video itself was recorded by the Center for Medical Progress, a California-based nonprofit.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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