- Wednesday, January 7, 2015

As the Republicans settle into the House of Representatives and the Senate, with their largest House margin in 86 years and about as healthy a margin in the Senate as they could have gained in 2014, the talk in major media is of the Republicans’ many problems. As The Washington Post put it in a front-page headline, “Rancor in GOP flares … .” The Democrats should suffer from such “rancor.”

I wonder how the local press is handling the Republicans’ takeover across the nation. Out there in the states the Republicans have gained control of 24 state governments, from the governors’ mansions to the state legislatures. The Democrats have only managed to hang on to similar dominance in seven states, down from 13 in 2014. Any way you look at it, these are palmy times for the Republicans, unless you are looking through the bloodshot eyes of a Democrat or a camouflaged Democrat, say, a member of the press corps.

Ever since the days of the New Deal, the Democratic Party has been heavily influenced by liberalism. In recent decades it has only been influenced by liberalism. As I wrote in an imperishable little book a couple of years ago, in recent times we have been witnessing “The Death of Liberalism.” Occasionally, even the mainstream media catches on. When former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo died last week, the media echoed with the refrain that a venerable “old-time liberal” had passed on.

In this instance, they were accurate. Cuomo, an old-time liberal, really was dead. Moreover, there are not many more old-time liberals to send off to their reward. The Democratic Party is now dominated by another wonder in its intellectual evolution, the crony capitalist. He, she or it is far to the left of yesteryear’s liberals. They sound like President Obama orating in Roanoke, Virginia, in 2012: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” And his former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton offering her variation on the same statist theme: “Don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

These are the beliefs of crony capitalists, politicians who believe that there are banks and other corporations that are too big to fail. So they shovel money to them in return for favors. They endow environmental friendly companies like Solyndra and ECOtality with government largesse. By the time these boondoggles have failed, the crony capitalist has moved on to other swindles under the rubric of helping the environment, ameliorating poverty or a dozen other urgent causes.

As to the moribund condition of the Democratic Party, consider its presidential field. Of the Democrats’ likely candidates there are only two, Mrs. Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, unless the Democrats’ good time Charlies can manage to nominate Vice President Joseph R. Biden who, incidentally, is my candidate. When he ran for vice president he was a lot of laughs. Can you imagine the hilaritas if he ran for president? Otherwise, the Democrats are left only with the likes of former Gov. Martin O’Malley from Maryland and someone by the name of Webb. By the way, if Hillary were to run she would be 69. Ms. Warren has the gift of youth. She is 65.

How did the Democrats ever get into such a pickle? Well, I think the best answer is provided by The Wall Street Journal’s insightful observer, James Taranto. We again resort to his eponymous “Taranto Principle.” As Mr. Taranto explains it, the mainstream media in its slavish support of the Democrats no matter what only encourages their worst instincts. No sensible liberal has had a chance against the growing field of crony capitalists in years. Thus, the Democrats only get more radical, and the liberals go the way of Mario Cuomo. That explains the sorry condition of the modern Democratic Party, a party left with only two presidential candidates, Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Warren. Neither will be as much fun as Mr. Biden.

R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator. He is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and the author most recently of “The Death of Liberalism,” published by Thomas Nelson Inc.

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