- Sunday, January 4, 2015

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton remonstrated against the New York police officers turning their backs on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s eulogy at the funeral for Officer Rafael Ramos. He said: “I think it was very inappropriate at that event. That funeral was held to honor Officer Ramos.”

What Mr. Bratton doesn’t realize is that he is demeaning and denigrating his fellow officers by backing Mr. de Blasio. Then again, Mr. Bratton has always been the mayor’s toady. He backed Mr. de Blasio on his race-driven, naive reduction of the police department’s stop-and-frisk practice.

Mr. Bratton was once a good cop. Unfortunately, he seems to have been bought off by the political establishment, and now he has become more part of the problem than the solution.


New York

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