- Friday, January 30, 2015

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the senior officer in the U.S. military and an adviser to the Commander-in-Chief. The current Chairman, General Martin Dempsey, however, has turned the position into one of chief uniformed cheerleader for and enabler of President Obama’s disastrous national security policies.

For instance, he is sponsoring an essay contest for our troops to applaud the late ruler of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah. Mr. Obama just went there to lament Abdullah’s passing and dine with his successor, King Salman, who – like many Saudis – has supported jihadist terrorism.

Like his boss, Gen. Dempsey has gone to great lengths to discourage U.S. military personnel from understanding that we are at war with Islamic supremacism and its animating doctrine of shariah. Will he welcome essays to that effect?

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