- Friday, January 23, 2015

“American Sniper” may go down as one of the most powerful films in history. It didn’t glorify war or wave the flag just to attract an audience hungry for positive spin on Americana. It tells the story of one man who grapples with life and death decisions in order to save his fellow fighting men. His skill in killing the enemy was easy for Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in American history, but the consequences of taking human lives took a toll on him and his family.

“American Sniper” leaves you feeling an awed respect … quiet and reflective as you leave the theater. Questions surface hours and days after, as you ponder what unfolded on the big screen. Was the Iraq War worth it? Could I have pulled the trigger? Was Chris Kyle a hero or a villain?

It’s OK to ask questions, have doubts, and even disagree with the decision to go to war. But without a doubt, Chris Kyle with all his human frailties, saved American lives and helped stop the murder spree of numerous Islamic fascist thugs.

But saving American lives and the positive affect of slowing down the spread of civilian murder by terrorists isn’t good enough for some inside the Hollywood bubble.

Here’s what Hollywood heavy’s Michael Moore and Seth Rogen thought was a good idea to send out on Twitter:

On Jan. 18 at 1:40 pm Mr. Moore tweeted:

On Jan. 18 at 6:35 he tweeted:

On Jan. 18 at 12:05 pm Mr. Rogen tweeted:

Both tried to walk back their comments after a storm of controversy.

Here’s where Michael Moore, Seth Rogen, Alec Baldwin (who also made some asinine tweets), and other “Useful Idiots” make their unforgivable mistake; they equate the Nazi’s, the Taliban, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, rogue Islamic terrorists, and other “Evil Doers,” with U.S. soldiers.

Hitler and Tojo wanted to dominate the world, as do the Islamic Fascists of today. The United States is the first empire in history (yes, we are an empire), to do everything in its power not to take the treasure and land of the defeated enemy, and to consciously limit civilian casualties. China acquired most of the oil from Iraq, not Halliburton or Chevron, and our former World War II enemies Germany and Japan are not the 51st and 52nd States. If we were the “Evil Empire” we are accused of being, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Kosovo and others would be U.S. outposts to rape and pillage not prop up for the good of the world.

The Islamic enemies today specifically target civilians and endeavor to cause as much damage and terror as possible, with no rules against the use of women and children in the battlefield.

While President Obama’s extensive use of drones could be called into question, there is no comparison with the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and the videotaped beheadings perpetrated by Islamic torturers.

There is no comparison with killing civilian cartoonists and journalists by Muslim monsters, with building schools, providing food, clothing, shelter and money, for civilians caught in the crossfire by U.S. altruism.

It’s the American taxpayer who burdened the costs to free people in Iraq. The American soldier, along with some of our allies, paid with their blood. Unfortunately, President Obama followed the lead of the anti-George W. Bush/anti-war crowd, and withdrew our troops, not based on what was best for long-term peace, but what was best for short-term political gains.

Was it a perfect war, no. But we now reap the consequences of a weak president who listens to these Hollywood idiots at the peril of our national security, our soldiers, and those brave Iraqis and Afghans who fought for freedom along side our valiant men and women in uniform.

Seth Rogen is a funny guy and I like his movies. But don’t be fooled by his goofy smile; he’s no dummy. I applaud some of his political activities, including testifying before Congress in support of Alzheimer’s awareness. He’s also a major supporter of legalized marijuana (surprised?), for which I strongly disagree. But here’s one thing we both should agree on: It’s time for Mr. Rogen to go home, light up a big fatty and get back to writing comedy. Leave the deep thinking to the adults.

I could write a few paragraphs about Michael Moore and his comments, but why waste my time.

Seth, next time you’re in trouble, like you were when “The Interview” was in danger of being tossed away, I’m not so sure the American public will jump so quickly to defend you. Michael, for all you’ve done over the years, you’re on your own.

So, for your lack of deep political thought and speed at which you are ready to attack those who defend your rights and save others around the world …
You, Michael Moore and Seth Rogen, are The Liberal Bullies Of The Week.

Rusty Humphries is a nationally syndicated talk-radio host, political consultant and world renowned motivational speaker.

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