- Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The State of the Union address exemplifies just another in a long list of embarrassing and out-of-touch moments given by our president during his terms in office.

From Obamacare to the Second Amendment, illegal immigration, the economy and scores of other issues, Barack Obama is as out of step with the majority of American people as I would be as a backup dancer for Beyoncé.

Each sashay and pirouette he makes causes noticeable damage to the middle class.

While he plays with the economy - as if it’s a high-school classroom experiment - our spendable income dwindles and jobs evaporate. Mr. Obama and his puppet master, Valerie Jarrett, make changes at will, with little or no understanding of the harm it’s causing real people.

In the SOTU, President Obama said, “Tonight, after a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999. Our unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis.”

Good thing the “Lie-O-Meter” wasn’t attached to the podium. It may have blown up with that whopper.

Does Mr. Obama actually believe things are better for average Americans or is he knowingly lying to the people? He’s taking credit for our temporary break at the pump, but let’s not forget, this is the man who said he thought gas should be $8 a gallon when he was candidate Obama.

He wants more money for roads and bridges, and is willing to raise the gas tax to pay for it. But where in the world is the $2.8 trillion+ stimulus that was going to fix the economy and our infrastructure?

Unfortunately, I don’t possess Mr. Obama’s psychic powers. I don’t know what people who didn’t vote for him are thinking. But I’m seeing higher prices at the grocery store, the mall, insurance rates, etc. And by the way, have you seen ticket prices for concerts lately? It will cost you $900 per floor seat to see the boy band One Direction at MetLife stadium in August this summer (although you can find some for as low as $227 each, highest is $4,895). I remember I paid about $25 to see Wham! at Hollywood Park in Los Angeles in 1985. Our economy is spiraling out of control.

Mr. Obama may be the commander in chief, but he is the undisputed King of Over-promise and Under-deliver.

Obamacare is a boom for the insurance companies, but a bust for the middle class.

Illegal immigration is a boom for the Democrat Party and corporations, but a bust for the middle class.

The failed Obama energy policies have been a boom to some Obama donors, but a bust for the middle class.

Just because you choose to manipulate statistics and don’t want to mention the problems of issues like Islamic terrorism, China, Russian aggression, and our collapsing full-time workforce, doesn’t make them go away Mr. President.

This emperor truly has no clothes. Instead of “Hail to the Chief,” perhaps Mr. Obama’s theme song should be Ray Steven’s 1974 classic, “The Streak.”

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