- Monday, January 19, 2015

Last Friday Secretary of State John Kerry brought James Taylor to the stage to sing “You’ve Got a Friend” to the French people (“John Kerry in Paris, set for James Taylor croon: ’You’ve Got a Friend,’” Web, Jan. 16). It was widely seen as the Obama administration’s way of saying sorry after failing to send any high-level officials to the “Je Suis Charlie” March in Paris, which was attended by 2.7 million people, including 40 heads of state.

How can anyone look at this and not think “80s teen movie?” You know, the part when the guy, after royally messing up, does something over the top and romantic to win back the girl? John Kerry’s stunt might not be on the same level as John Cusack with a boom box or Michael Schoeffling in a red Porsche but it’s clearly of the same ilk. Nothing, except perhaps a slow solo clap, could have made it more ridiculous.

People aren’t as easily swayed in real life as they are in the movies. Everyone can see this for what is really is, and the Obama administration has once again succeeded in embarrassing itself and America and alienating our allies. It is troubling to think that this administration has another two years. In that time it will undoubtedly find other ways to top this incident.


Huntsville, Ala.

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