- Friday, January 16, 2015

Just a week after the horrific terrorist attack in Paris, Barack Obama is showing his true colors again. He would not go to Paris and he would not stand with world leaders against Islamic terrorism. Now, he is once again working to help the terrorists instead of Americans or the people of Western Europe.

This week, President Obama released five more terrorists from Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba.

There was no consideration given to the safety of the United States or our allies. Mr. Obama simply wants to empty Guantanamo.

Mr. Obama could not be persuaded to denounce the Paris attacks as Islamic terrorism. The Obama Regime claimed they could not say what the motivation of the attackers was. Then, almost on cue, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the attack.

Even as Mr. Obama released more terrorists detained at Guantanamo, more and more reports surfaced about former Gitmo detainees who have returned to Jihad.

In Afghanistan, Mullah Abdul Rauf is coordinating recruiting for ISIS in Afghanistan. He is helping with their opium production to fund ISIS, and he is threatening to kill tribal leaders who cooperate with American forces in Afghanistan.

Rauf cannot be blamed on Mr. Obama. He was released in 2007. But his behavior after his release should be a warning sign for the Obama Regime. Terrorists who have been released from Gitmo have been arrested in Russia, Morocco, Pakistan and Iraq. Others have returned to jihad in Afghanistan and Yemen.

To say the Obama Regime has screwed up the war against the jihadists is an understatement. The purpose of capturing the jihadists is to get information from them so we can prevent further jihadist attacks. The Obama Regime now insists that every captured jihadist be read their Miranda rights so it is no shock that intelligence gathered from captured jihadists has dropped to almost nothing.

Mr. Obama’s strong preference is to kill suspected jihadists with drone strikes. We gather no intelligence from dead Jihadists but at least they won’t come back to the battlefield.

Mr. Obama’s goal is to completely shut down Guantanamo. There are still 120 of the world’s most dangerous terrorists stored there. Mr. Obama may not be able to shut Gitmo down. Several of the 9/11 conspirators are there, as well as the mastermind behind the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole.

But there are a few things that are certain. Before he leaves office in 2017, most of those terrorists in Guantanamo will be released. These releases will be done without any consideration of the threat they pose to America.

Conservatives have long argued that Mr. Obama hates America and is working against America’s best interests, not for them.

Given his overwhelming desire to release terrorists who will come back to kill Americans and attack the United States or our allies, no one can seriously argue Mr. Obama is helping America.

He is cheering for the enemy.

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