Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Once the feds pay the bill for publicly funded community colleges, they will determine which education plans constitute meaningful contributions to society (“Obama proposes publicly funded community colleges for all,” Web, Jan. 9). We will then have a situation similar to the rationing of health care we are seeing under Obamacare.

To illustrate I give you the words of Princeton bioethics professor Peter Singer as quoted in the New York Times recently about congressional intent with regard to health care: “Rationing health care means getting value for the billions spent by setting limits on which treatments should be paid for from the public purse. … There’s no doubt that it’s tough — to make a decision that means that someone will die sooner than they would have if the decision had gone the other way. … The task of health care bureaucrats is then to get the best value for resources they have been allocated.” Replace the health-care-related terms with education-related verbiage and you have another scary situation.


Eugene, Ore.

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