- Saturday, January 10, 2015

If this column were just called “The Bully of the Week,” with no hint of humor or satire, then Islamic extremists would undoubtedly claim the title each time.

The lack of empathy and compassion for those labeled infidels (or non-believers) has long been a scourge on the Earth. The terrorist actions against French journalists, cartoonists and others this week represent a continuation of that terror, not just something that popped up in 2001.

Long before 9/11, radical Islam has been a problem for our country.

In March 1785, after a long negotiation in London with Tripoli’s envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahamanin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams wrote, “The Ambassador answered us, that (the aggression against US ships) was founded on the laws of their Prophet; that it was written in their Koran, that all nationals who should not have acknowledged their authority, were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Musselman (Muslim) who was slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

On Friday, in a sermon in Mosul, an Iraqi city now under the control of the Islamic State, cleric Abu Saad al-Ansari said, “We started with the France operation for which we take responsibility. Tomorrow will be in Britain, America and others.”

I don’t mention this as an attack on all Muslims but we have been warned. Those who wish to force their beliefs upon others by the use of cowardly assaults and terror must be taken seriously.

History aside, this column features the Liberal Bully of the Week. There is nothing liberal about those who wish to take the world back to 700 AD.

That brings us to modern times and this week’s liberal bully, Speaker of the House John Boehner.

This week’s actions by the speaker have been more like the fictional character Frank Underwood from the Netflix series “House Of Cards” than those of a serious leader. A leader wanting to move legislation forward, positively affecting the citizens who put him and his party in power.

In December, instead of waiting a few weeks for his incoming Republican freshman to join the ranks, Mr. Boehner chose to make a bad deal with the president. According to Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Oklahoma Republican, President Obama and Mr. Boehner) “crafted the CR/omnibus, a $1.1 trillion spending bill that funded the government for 10 months and blocked our newest elected Republicans from advancing conservative policy and delivering on campaign promises. With this vote, Republicans gave away the best tool available to rein in our liberal activist president: the power of the purse. The power of the purse is Congress’ constitutional strength.”

Conservatives were right to be angry. This week, when the vote came to the House floor to choose the speaker, the largest rebellion of party members against an incumbent speaker since the Civil War took place. Twenty-four Republicans stood strong against Mr. Boehner in an act of defiance and courage.

Instead of behaving like a real leader and listening to the concerns of the people and his party, Mr. Boehner chose to inflict payback on those who dared to speak up. Mr. Boehner removed some rebel House members from powerful congressional committees. Others have threats hanging over their heads. Of course, this is nothing new in politics, and unfortunately it’s the modus operandi for Mr. Boehner.

The issue is, he rarely acts this tough with the opposing party or the president.

Under Mr. Boehner’s watch, Mr. Obama is ignoring the U.S. Constitution by encouraging illegal immigration, changing the rules of Obamacare at will, turning a blind eye to the spread of illicit drugs, and releasing dangerous terrorists from Guantanamo Bay.

According to Rep. Bridenstine, “The president’s activism in his last two years has accelerated to include executive amnesty, initiating international climate deals without a treaty, and establishing an embassy in Cuba without consulting Congress. When our Constitution is under assault and House Republicans give away our constitutional power of the purse, they share the guilt of abandoning our founding principles.”

It’s the speaker’s duty to stand up against Mr. Obama’s illegal actions, not his own party. Had he lived up to his mandate, Mr. Boehner would have the respect of the people and not a rebellion in the Republican ranks.

So, for your unwavering attacks against those conservatives who helped you gain a larger majority in the House. For your tin ear when it comes to listening to the issues the American people want addressed and for your personal retaliation against those who dared to stand up to you … You, Speaker John Boehner, are the Liberal Bully of the Week.

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