- Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On Tuesday, the radical Islamist group ISIS released a video of the horrifying execution of a Jordanian pilot. Horrifying does not even begin to describe what happened to the 26-year-old pilot.

He was soaked in gasoline and then marched into a cage. A trail of gas was poured that led to the cage and then lit. The pilot watched as the flames followed the gas trail to his cage and eventually set his clothes on fire. For well over a minute he hops around, screaming in agony before eventually collapsing and dying.

Barack Obama was asked about this gruesome murder that the Islamic savages filmed and then released on Tuesday. The photo-op president of the United States was in the middle of another Obamacare promotional event when a journalist asked him about the death of the Jordanian pilot.

Mr. Obama, instead of reacting with the horror that real Americans or even any sane individual has over this shocking murder, seemed to be seriously irritated that someone would dare interrupt his photo-op.

Mr. Obama mumbled some words about a “bankrupt ideology.” That was it. There was no outrage from him. In fact, he would not even call the murdering savages Islamists. His functionaries that speak for the Obama Regime will not even identify ISIS as an Islamic group.

Mr. Obama and his regime seem to be totally mystified by ISIS. In their desperation to avoid calling ISIS Islamic, they are acting as if angry commuters in Mosul, Iraq, upset over malfunctioning traffic signals, perpetrated this murder.

The ghastly murder of this human being does not outrage Mr. Obama.

What is wrong with you Mr. Obama?

What outrages Mr. Obama? He got absolutely motivated when the Republicans and the Democrats were ready to pass a bill that put sanctions on Iran. That got Mr. Obama angry and motivated. Burning a human being alive? No, that doesn’t really move his meter.

ISIS is clearly stepping up its shock tactics — and while conceptualizing that may be hard, ISIS will top burning someone alive. Never underestimate the power of evil.

Jordan’s King Abdullah announced retaliation against ISIS. They hanged two terrorists in retaliation. King Abdullah said the only problem Jordan will have in the near future is running out of fuel and bullets. If we had a real American president, his immediate response would have been, no you aren’t going to have to worry about running out of either.

Jordan is going to war against ISIS.

America is allegedly attacking ISIS. Many respected retired military officers who have been asked about Mr. Obama’s strategy have said it is a strategy that will not stop ISIS.

What it will do is put Americans in grave danger.

ISIS currently holds a 26-year-old female American aid worker. Given its  history, no one wants to think about what they are probably doing to that poor woman. The Holy Grail for ISIS right now is to capture an American soldier or airman. ISIS is even offering a reward for just this.

Because of Mr. Obama’s ineffective response to anything ISIS has done, this will happen. Mr. Obama is putting boots on the ground in Iraq and the odds favor an American eventually being captured.

What will happen when an America soldier is shown in videos wearing the orange jumpsuit? What will happen when that soldier is beheaded, burned alive or worse?

Given Mr. Obama’s history, he will be more concerned that America does not impose sanctions on Iran. Mr. Obama is not a real American president. He despises America and her people. He despises America’s soldiers.

The murdered pilot was a Jordanian, not an American. For real Americans, that does not matter. Every real American is aghast at what happened. This brutal murder does not horrify Mr. Obama. Indeed, it doesn’t even seem to bother him.

Mr. Obama, what the heck is wrong with you?

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