- Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Some former U.S. officials this week have recognized an ugly reality: Russia is intensifying its invasion of Ukraine. Their solution is to provide Ukrainians with defensive weapons needed to increase the costs of such aggression to Vladimir Putin.

Unfortunately, this is a necessary – but wholly insufficient – step. Mr. Putin has taken the measure of the Obama administration and Europe, and discounts their protests and sanctions adopted after he seized Crimea and now eastern Ukraine. Instead, he has doubled down and prepared to escalate the conflict quickly.

So, we need a new strategy, one that reverses Obama policies that have weakened our country, undermined our friends and emboldened our enemies. We must not only deter Vladimir Putin’s thuggery. We must also counter his Chinese allies and enablers and defeat the global jihadists.

Ours is the Secure Freedom Strategy. Check it out at SecureFreedom.

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