- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Former Secretary of State and presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has an image problem with women — and it’s due to what one writer dubs her “All Madam President’s Men” staff reality: Nearly all men; few women.

The Montana Standard ran a column from Dana Milbank, Washington Post Writers Group, that began: As Mrs. Clinton “begins to staff her nascent presidential campaign, a paradox has emerged.” In 2008, her campaign was run by a woman and included several women staffers in the top-tier. But now, Mrs. Clinton’s turned to “the old-boy network,” and adopted many staffers from President Obama’s mostly male campaign, he wrote.

Among her staff: John Podesta, campaign chairman; Robby Mook, campaign manager; Joel Benenson; chief strategist; John Anzalone and David Binder; pollsters; and Jim Margolis; top media spokesman.

But just eight years ago, Mrs. Clinton touted eight of 14 senior staffers as women, and 12 of 20 highest-paid staffers as women, the Huffington Post found.

The conclusion?

“The woman who would be the first of her gender to reach the presidency has decided that it takes a whole lot of testosterone to win the White House,” Mr. Milbank wrote.


The news comes as Mrs. Clinton is fielding off more public relations fire from reports that she paid her female senate staffers only 72 cents on the dollar for what she paid men.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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