- Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Internet is arguably the greatest invention to come out of America. The Internet has created more millionaires and billionaires in the last 20 years than any other industry.

With the Internet, there are almost no barriers to entry and a massive capital infusion is generally not needed to get started.

The Internet has also been one of the greatest boons for freedom and liberty since the invention of the printing press. Thanks to the Internet, the media elites no longer control the news and information. In fact, the media elites are now subject to and can be brought down by bloggers on the Internet. Brian Williams of NBC is simply the latest to discover this.

Given the success of the Internet, it is no wonder that Barack Obama hates the Internet. He hates anyone who dares to disagree with him. And now, he is working hard to bring the Internet under government control before he leaves office.

The Obama Regime is launching two attacks on the freedom of the Internet. First, it wants to have the FCC declare the Internet to be a public utility. This is a breathtaking expansion of the FCC’s authority without congressional approval. If the Internet is declared a public utility, the government will control the Internet.

What could possibly go wrong?

As Sen. Ted Cruz pointed out, the end result would be slower broadband, less competition and open the door to the ultimate goal of Democrats: the ability to suck the Internet for billions in new taxes.

The truly alarming attack is coming from the Federal Election Commission. The Democrats, or as they are known to most real Americans the Party of Treason, wants to limit political speech on the Internet. The Democrats on the FEC do not simply want to put limits on political advertising; they want to put limits on political speech.

In the Democrats’ rabid hysteria over the Citizens United case, some important facts are completely forgotten. The McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill, which was partially struck down by Citizens United, put onerous restrictions on free speech by organizations. Corporations, non-profits and even unions, were blocked from making “electioneering” comments within 90 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.

This meant, for example, that newspapers could not endorse candidates or even comment favorably or negatively about a candidate within two months of an election.

Republican commissioners on the FEC are warning that the restrictions the FEC wants to impose on the Internet can impact sites like The Washington Times, Drudge Report, blogs written by real Americans and even YouTube videos.

Barack Obama and the radical left want a government-controlled Internet. They want an Internet that is little more than a cash cow for the government and selected cronies. They want an Internet with the same freedom of expression that is found in Iran.

Online freedom is something that makes Democrats recoil in horror. The Internet is the last, best place for real Americans to fight for freedom and liberty. The Obama Regime knows this and that is why they want to control the Internet.

Real Americans know this, too, and that is why we must stop the Obama administration’s war against the Internet.

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