- Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Are you sick and tired of the IRS? Do you owe back taxes? Do you want to be finished with all of the threatening phone calls? The fear, the terrorizing and intimidation? Well we have the answer for you!

Just renounce your American citizenship and become and illegal alien!

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen — a compassionate and understanding guy if there ever was one — testified last week that illegal aliens working illegally in the U.S. while living here illegally would be allowed extra refunds from the IRS for money they earned while working here. Illegally.

These illegal aliens who were working here illegally will be given Social Security numbers, “which means they can go back and amend up to three years of previous tax forms to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit,” according to the Times’ Stephen Dinan.

This means these illegals living here illegally and working here illegally could potentially claim billions of dollars in additional payments they were ineligible for before President Obama’s executive amnesty, according to Mr. Dinan’s report.

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But here is the evil catch: In order to qualify for these billions, the illegals living here illegally must file tax returns for the previous three years during which they were illegally working. Man, Uncle Sam drives a hard bargain!

The Obama Administration estimates that some 4 million illegals will be granted amnesty by the president’s executive order and will have a crack at the billions of dollars in extra refunds for their illegal work here. According to the government, taxpayers already shelled out some $4.2 billion in tax credits to illegals in 2010 alone.

In addition, illegals living here illegally may also apply for additional tax credits going back three years, according to IRS testimony.

“The IRS says the law is vague on who is eligible for the child credit, so to be on the safe side they pay it out to illegal immigrants,” Mr. Dinan writes.

Seriously? “To be on the safe side?” The IRS — in an overabundance of deference to the taxpayer — is going to just go ahead and give the tax credit to illegals to be “on the safe side?”

This is truly insane. Since when did the IRS show deference to taxpayers? Since when did the IRS begin siding with taxpayers in murky disputes? Only when taxpayers happen to be illegals?

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You might think that this whole illegal scam perpetrated on the law-abiding American people could not become any more diabolical. But wait! There’s more!

As Sen. Ben Sasse, Nebraska Republican, and Ron Johnson, pointed out after the IRS testimony last week, making child tax credits available to illegal aliens amounts to nothing more than paying illegals to make babies.

“This is basic economics: if you want more of something, you subsidize it,” they wrote in a letter to the inspector general of the Treasury Department.

“By subsidizing illegal entry with four years’ worth of new tax credits, the IRS would promote lawlessness. This program severely undermines the White House’s lip-service to enforcing the law and would increase the burden on law-abiding taxpayers.”

Good luck getting any straight answers from these kleptocrats. We are better off just becoming illegal aliens.

Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com, and on Twitter at @charleshurt.

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