- Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Well, that’s rich. The Obama White House is saying that Donald Trump’s call to shut Muslims out of the country is “disqualifying” — meaning it should disqualify him as a presidential candidate. But in the wake of the recent Paris and San Bernardino, Calif., mass killings, Mr. Trump simply calls it “common-sense.”

Let me get this straight. The Obama White House is the administration that lied repeatedly about us being allowed to keep our health plans and doctors, traded five Taliban killers for a piece-of-garbage traitor, left four Americans behind to die in Benghazi and signed a terrible, one-sided nuclear deal with a fanatical regime that routinely chants “Death to America.” Yet it has the moral high ground to pass judgment on Donald Trump?

My question is this: How many more innocent Americans will be slaughtered by the gutless political correctness that would allow radical Muslims into this country to kill us before people realize that perhaps Mr. Trump has a point? Will it take a Paris-like attack with a death toll in the hundreds? Or perhaps a Sept. 11, 2001-like attack with a death toll in the thousands? Maybe it will take a coordinated attack that kills millions.

Eventually, because some of our political leaders are stupid enough to invite our sworn homicidal enemies into our midst, we’re all going to come to the “common-sense” place at which Mr. Trump has already arrived. How many innocent people have to die before we get there?


Medford, N.Y.

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