- Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This nation is presently in a situation in which nothing but prayer can bring restoration. No law, no ordinance, no bill, no executive order, no presidential candidate, no speech, no sermon nothing can accomplish the task.

Prayer, and only prayer will accomplish the healing of America.

How could a country that was once so blessed spiral into such degradation? Could it be that it all began when we started pleasing people and ourselves instead of pleasing God?

In 1963 one woman took prayer out of the schools, without too many complaints. Then we entered the season of “if it feels good, do it!” Commitment was replaced with “I need my space.” Then sleepovers after the second date became commonplace which produced voracious sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, the latter fostering the ultimate abortion act which has caused an ongoing holocaust for the unborn.

Sunday church worship has been replaced with Sunday sports worship.

Remember Sundays when all the stores were closed and one had a moment to catch one’s breath? Remember when the family sat around the table and actually conversed with each other? Today the family is struggling just to be classified as a family. There is such a ploy being carried out by very determined group of people pleasers and self-pleasers to do away with the family altogether. The spiritual impact on America has been devastating on young and old alike.

SPECIAL COVERAGE: The power of prayer: For America's future

All the above are very minor compared to the horrors that are taking place today. The ones listed above were simple things that turned us away from God and started the people-pleasing era. Oh God forgive us! Give us back our land, and help us to become God pleasers.

The Lord tells us, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.”

This call to prayer is not just for a handful of dedicated praying people in the corner of the church, or in a prayer group. This call to pray is for every man, woman ,and child. It is for every church. God’s Word: “My Father’s house shall be a house of prayer.” For every Christian and Jew, “All people everywhere shall pray.”

Not only will He heal the Land, but He will heal you and give you new life. The greatest gift you will ever receive is to know how much you are loved by Jesus Christ, and to experience the healing power of having been forgiven, and to know that you are an important participant in God’s plan for healing America.

It’s the Christmas season. Open your gift.

Joy Lamb is the author of The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God: A Handbook for Praying God’s Word. To order this helpful book, please visit www.theswordofthespiritbook.com.

SPECIAL COVERAGE: The power of prayer: Enhance your life

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