- Monday, December 28, 2015

Last week’s massive budget deal, brokered and pushed by House Speaker Paul Ryan, delivers one clear message to the public: Our government is corrupt (“House Speaker Paul Ryan defends massive spending deal, brushes off conservative critics,” Web, Dec. 20). Mr. Ryan threw out almost every conservative portion in the legislation and left in nearly everything the Democrats wanted. He even funded the morally reprehensible practices of Planned Parenthood. What a sell-out.

Mr. Ryan then had the temerity to come to the public and try to tell us what a great deal this was for conservatism. He claimed he was left by former Speaker John Boehner with no other options. This is a bald-faced lie. As the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Mr. Ryan was in a position to effect legislation all year long. Instead he supported the false promises of Mr. Boehner and did nothing. He is a dishonest person and if we can find someone to primary him, I would be happy to send that individual a check.


Sterling, Va.

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