- Monday, December 21, 2015

Everyone recognizes the animosity between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush. It’s been an obvious fight for some time now, a fight that Jeb is not just losing. It’s a fight that Jeb has lost. I think the Bush campaign is aware of that as well. All of that money he raised! The donors must be angry.

The problem is that it seems Jeb Bush has decided to attempt to destroy Donald Trump like an army in retreat that burns everything in its path to prevent the spoils of war from going to the enemy.

Is Donald Trump Mr. Bush’s enemy or is a third term of President Obama’s agenda the real foe?

Barring a really big turnaround, it seems highly likely that Donald Trump could be the nominee of the Republican Party. Of course, it’s still very early; however, I don’t believe anyone in modern history has had this type of lead this early in the cycle that just won’t evaporate, no matter how hard the media and the socialist party try to do so.

What the Bush campaign, and the establishment Republicans need to realize is that when they attempt to destroy and humiliate Mr. Trump, they are going against the base of the party. They are spitting in their face. Here’s a newsflash — the people don’t like it when you do that. The people have spoken. So far, they want Trump. I’m not going to go into the reasons why except to say it’s pretty obvious the party hasn’t helped itself with average Americans over the last decade.

The Republican Party seems ready to destroy Donald Trump’s chances at all cost. There must be some serious money and power on the line. It’s a pretty good bet that Mr. Trump’s support is not going away. It’s also a pretty good bet that his support is bigger than the polls are showing, even among Democrats and independents.

The flip side to destroying Mr. Trump is that you may be destroying the chances for the Republican Party to take the presidency. The alternative is another four years of a socialist, anti-American, progressive agenda. Hillary Clinton is just as dangerous, if not more, than Mr. Obama. You can tell she’s lying when her lips move. She’s not just an ideologue, she’s really corrupt through and through. I’m not sure America will survive another Democrat presidency.

So my message to the party is, if Trump wins, you damn well vote for him in the general. A Trump presidency has the chance of being really good for America, no matter what the Left screams every day on the main stream media.

I’m not plugging Mr. Trump for the highest office in the land, I’m simply repeating Reagan’s commandment to not destroy other Republicans, especially one with 41 percent of the primary vote.

And Jeb, let’s face it. It’s not your year. You’re still young. What you are doing comes across as selfish and entitled. The people are speaking. It’s not going to be you.

For the you and the Republican Party, the stakes are high. Are you ready to destroy the country with your revenge? If you keep this up, you will. Your agenda of destruction is not the Republican Party’s or America’s. Just keep in mind that if you destroy the country, you destroy the Republican Party as well, and your chances of ever making a comeback.

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