- Thursday, August 6, 2015

As the first Republican debate nears closer this evening, I am dismayed by the soundbites coming from the press as the sniping between the candidates increases. Donald Trump has seriously rattled Bush and the Republican establishment’s cage. Obviously under pressure, Jeb Bush, the previous front-runner, came out swinging today with very colorful language against Mr. Trump. Many of the remaining candidates have focused on cutting the Donald down to size as a way of highlighting their candidacies.

This is all wrong.

We have serious, existential problems facing our country. We are approaching $20 trillion in debt on the way to $30 trillion. Government spending is out of control, as is government intrusion into the private economy.

The Obama administration is flouting the U.S. Constitution and issuing laws by decree. The White House is using agencies of the federal government to target the political opposition. I’m not just talking about the IRS, but DHS, FEC, SEC, et cetera, et cetera. The presidential front runner of the Democratic Party has openly broken federal law and is not being investigated or prosecuted, while Republicans for lesser offenses have already been tried and convicted. The Justice Department therefore is corrupt. Our mainstream media are essentially cheerleaders for the Left.

It gets better.

Our national security is in shambles as this adminstration appeases our adversaries, enrages our allies, and weakens American power, not to mention giving the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism the bomb. China is openly flouting American naval and air superiority in the Pacific. North Korea is targeting the United States mainland with nuclear weapons. Russia has taken over other countries in the first shooting war in Europe between two nations since Word War II. Moscow is openly threatening NATO and reminding us continually that they are a nuclear power.

And Mr. Bush thinks the answer is to call Mr. Trump an ***hole. Mr. Trump thinks it’s in our nation’s interest to diminish the service of a man who spent more than five years in the Hanoi Hilton. Mr. McCain can’t raise his arms above his head for a reason, Donald. Rick Perry challenges The Donald to a pull-up match after Mr. Trump makes fun of the governor’s glasses. And the Republican Party is supposed to be showing the nation that it can govern? Is this how you do it?

We deserve better from our politicians. The issues are too great. My children’s future is too important. I hope tonight we get substantive debate on the issues. How will you as president deal with China? With Russia? With the debt? With corruption in government? How will you restore trust with the American people?

This is what I want to hear, not about Donald Trump’s ex-wives or his hair or Rick Perry’s glasses. I can go to the checkout stand at the supermarket for that.

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